
Tschurtschchela Klassik Preis: 5,00 € / 2 Pieces
Tschurtschchela Haselnuss Preis: 5,00 € / 2
Churchkhela (Georgian ჩურჩხელა, Russian чурчхела, Turkish Pestil Cevizli Sucuk - literally Sucuk sausage walnuts) is a Georgian pastry, which is eaten as a dessert. This is nuts, which are covered with a grape-syrup.

The nuts are first raised by a thread, knotted and several times (8-10x) in a sweet and sour syrup from Pelamuschi dipped cooked grape juice, corn flour and sugar. They are then hung to dry in the sun. Then they have to mature for two to three months. After maturation, the candy is soft and covered with a fine sugar dust, which came from the syrup out.
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